[Tigers] (no subject)
Cliff Alexander
mk1a67 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 20:18:58 MDT 2008
I used CermaKrome coating from Caps Brite Hot and I'm very happy with it.
The PO had put chrome headers on the car and the chrome was looking bad and
there was some surface rust and a few pin holes. The coating is both inside
and outside, covered the few pin holes and looks great. The new coating
seems to keep the heat down under the hood. As for price I don't remember.
Be sure to fit your headers before you have them coated so you can
massage with a hammer without worrying about the finish.
On 9/20/08, Owain Lloyd <owain.lloyd at gmail.com> wrote:
> my steel headers were pretty rusty and i knew they wouldn't last too
> long in damp england unless i protected them so when the engine was
> out earlier this year i had them ceramic coated inside and out. i
> chose the more serious black to the fancy chrome as it is apparently
> more efficient and handles higher temps. they say it also makes it
> quieter and even helps power but i didn't notice the former and the
> made too many other changes to test the latter.
> the major benefits were:
> - much lower under hood temperatures
> - and hence more comfortable cabin space
> - its very thin and so doesn't interfere with the tight frame rail
> clearances
> - they look nice
> disadvantage:
> - very expensive - i think about $700 using the exchange rate at the
> time i had them done.
> picuture before:
> http://owainlloyd.no-ip.com:8080/photos/Tiger/clutchRemoval/slides/CIMG4285.JPG
> and after:
> http://owainlloyd.no-ip.com:8080/photos/Tiger/engineReassembly1/slides/CIMG4478.JPG
> http://owainlloyd.no-ip.com:8080/photos/Tiger/engineReassembly1/slides/CIMG4480.JPG
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 5:14 AM, Russ and Tammy C. <rtscolgan at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > I would like to know what the advantages of ceramic coating my headers
> for a 5
> > liter Ford would be. Anyone with firsthand knowledge or experience would
> be
> > appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks, Russ
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