[Tigers] Yet another Tiger for sale
Owain Lloyd
owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 13:26:32 MDT 2008
I keep an eye out in case a car comes up with the same vin as mine :)
On 9/12/08, Cullen McCann <cmccann at lwpb.com> wrote:
> ...come to think of it, I probably keep track in my mind in case a VIN very
> close to my own ever comes up for sale...or something.....Ive seen that
> happen
> a few times, where a car comes up for sale 1 number off the assembly line
> from
> another...might be persuasive to pursue such a car....especially if i was
> made
> of $$$$$...but I do have a folder on my computer ful if pictures, like a
> little library of Tigers that have come up on ebay and websites like this
> one,
> only in the last couple of years since I got my car...with many of them
> under
> the file name of their VIN....I guess in case the information is ever useful
> to anyone...
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