[Tigers] Another Tiger seam question

William Lau mrlau at charter.net
Wed Sep 10 19:39:53 MDT 2008

If you want to do this with (Body Putty) make sure that you don't use a
polyester filler because it will allow moisture to travel through it because
it is porous. Use fiber glass reinforced filler, which is also stronger.
Actually anytime you even have a weld that you can't completely and
absolutely guarantee that no moisture will ever touch from the back side, it
is necessary to use the glass filler (or a quality primer in some cases) for
the first coat.  Don't think your weld doesn't have holes in it.  The glass
is harder to shape or get smooth so the second coat can be polyester to make
that easier.  New rockers are one example of this situation.  Modern fillers
are way better than lead ever hoped to be, just as modern paints are far
superior to the old enamel or lacquer. -- Bill --

At SUNI 3 in Big Sky, Doug Jennings indicated that the preferred way to
do seam filling now is to use body filler (or high-build primer) over
etching epoxy primer. The lead and steel in leaded joints cause
electrolytic corrosion as soon as it gets wet, and it comes loose over
time as well as accelerating the corrosion of either the lead or the
steel at the seam.

Lead might still be the hot-rod choice but that's only because it's
properly old-school, not because it's the best.

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