[Tigers] Windshield Washer Question

Steve Sage fastsage at cox.net
Sun Oct 19 23:17:24 MDT 2008

In my constant quest to make sure all my functions work (well, the 
Tiger's functions anyway), I've installed an electric pump for my 
windshield washer. The original plunger had finally worn out and won't 
plunge any more. You know how you have to pump the manual plunger a few 
times to get the water out of the washer jets if you haven't used it for 
a while? In effect, the same thing happens with the electric pump, which 
is not good for this type of pump. If you run it too long (10 seconds or 
more for a few times) without water flowing through it, it burns out the 
pump. (Guess how I know that). I have to run the pump for four or five 
seconds, turn it off for a few seconds, run the pump a bit longer, turn 
it off, then on again, until water starts flowing.

Which brings me to the question: Does anyone know what the function is 
of that "nozzle"  at the end of the tube that goes inside the washer 
water bottle? I took the nozzle off just now to experiment and there 
seems to be less of a delay for the water to flow out the nozzles. There 
still is a five or six second or more delay though. In modern cars when 
you use the washer, the water comes out immediately. Any ideas about how 
to fix this out there?

Steve Sage

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