[Tigers] Unsubscribe

Rögnvaldur Pálmason rp at rpc.is
Mon Oct 6 14:07:30 MDT 2008

Dear sir. Please take me off your mailing list.

Best regards,

rp at rpc.is



Mep kvepju / With regards / Venlig hilsen .

Rvgnvaldur Palmason

RP Consulting ehf.

Voluteig 6 bil 4

270 Mosfellsbfr


* Smmi:     + 354  821 9444

* Fax:       + 354 567 2922

* Psstur:   rp at rpc.is

" Vefur:     www.rpc.is

Vvruztkeyrsla : Sigmar 896 0683

Sa sem fyrir tilviljun, mistvk epa an sirstakrar heimildar tekur vip
smmskeytum, myndum epa vprum fjarskiptamerkjum og taknum epa hlustar a
smmtvl ma ekki skra neitt slmkt hja sir epa notffra sir ~ap a nokkurn hatt.
Jafnframt ber honum ap tilkynna sendanda ap uppl}singar hafi ranglega borist
sir. Skylt er ap gfta fyllsta trznapar m slmkum tilfellum skv. 5. mgr. 47.
gr. Laga nr. 81/2003 um fjarskipti.
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