[Tigers] Northeast TAC
Tod Brown
todbrown at roadrunner.com
Wed Nov 12 21:15:18 MST 2008
This past October, we had a Sunbeam get-together in the Mid-Coast area
of Maine, as we have had for the last three years (would have been four,
but we got rained out the first time we tried). The attendance has
grown slowly but steadily each year and this year we had about a dozen
cars show up from as far away as New Brunswick and Massachusetts.
Unfortunately, it was the same weekend as the TE/AE United in
Washington, DC. We kind of had to go with that date since we link our
get-together with a Foreign Car Meet at the Owls Head Museum nearby.
One of the attendees at the event (Dave Munroe) raised the question of
TAC inspections, so I mentioned it to Steve Towle, who is on the Board
of Directors of TE/AE. He, in turn, talked to Tom Calvert, who was
receptive to the idea of trying to have a TAC session in Maine next
October or perhaps the year after (2010). I think there are a number of
people who would like to see it happen, but I don't know what the
logistics and expenses might be. It is my understanding from Steve
Towle that it might be possible to have the TE/AE United in 2010 in
Maine, although no discussion has taken place, yet. I would certainly
be willing to put some people up in my old farmhouse which has a few
unused bedrooms most of the time and I would be happy to try to help put
together arrangements for a meeting. I would also be willing to go
through the necessary training to become an inspector, although there
are several others who know much more than I and I would be among the
older generation (I am an original Tiger owner of 42 years standing).
In any case, I realize that Maine is sort of off in the corner (one of
the reasons for living here) and not an easy trip for many. That said,
Maine is a beautiful place, especially in October, so there is that
added enticement to visit. It might be helpful to us, if there are
owners out there who would be willing to come to a TAC session, to let
me know so we can get some indication of what we might expect for
turnout and also to advocate for a TE/AE meeting in Maine as well.
Anybody interested in any or all of these possibilities is invited to
contact me off list and I will try to pass on information as it comes to me.
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