[Tigers] Tigers Digest, Vol 2, Issue 217

TIGEROOTES at aol.com TIGEROOTES at aol.com
Fri May 30 08:33:02 MDT 2008

Mike Hokanson wrote:

> I've had an unfortunate incident with UPS on a unit that
> was crated and shipped.  It left here in a custom-built wood crate, but was
> delivered in an undersize cardboard box with the parts tossed in it with 
> parts
> extending beyond the container.  Not a good thing, and the results were
> disturbing.  Getting the insurance settled with UPS has been a nightmare.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> Mike,
>     I also had a frustrating episode with UPS a few years back after they 
> delivered an empty cardboard tube to me.  The steering column sent to me for 
> rebuilding was packaged by Mailboxes Etc and somehow it burst out of the tube 
> while enroute to me.

  UPS blamed Mailboxes Etc and they blamed UPS and my customer could not get 
> action from either business.  Funny thing, is we discovered UPS had just 
> completed the purchase of Mailboxes Etc and when we brought that to their 
> attention, they finally decided to pay for the loss of the steering column.
> Jim Leach           Pacific Tiger Club     Seattle

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