[Tigers] HVLP sprayers

Jerry JCMC2006 at suddenlink.net
Thu May 29 12:16:28 MDT 2008


I too painted in a very humid area (East Texas). I used a very cheap 20 oz.
HVLP ($19.99) from Harbor Fright and one of there Air filter/regulator units
($19.99) and a small plastic water/filter ($5.00) that screws onto the inlet
of the spray gun. I had no problems with water, when I painted the entire

The little plastic filter that screws to the bottom of the gun I would
replace each day just to be on the safe side.

My compressor is a 25gal Craftsman (7.0cfm @90psi) and it was sufficient to
keep up with the spraying. It has a water separator on it also, so the three

together worked for me. Be careful not to get a gun that requires more
airflow than the compressor can deliver.

It is my OPINION that the spraying technique you use is far more important
than buying a $500.00 spray gun thinking that the highest price gun will
take car of any shortcomings a painter will have. Practice, practice,
practice. Watch professionals do it.

On another note. If you plan on spraying a basecoat clearcoat paint job
(recommended) be very careful about the clearcoat as it has isocyanides in
it that are VERY bad for your health. I modified a Scuba tank so I could
breath clean air during the spraying. The Sep. 2007 issue of Auto Restorer
Magazine did a 3 page article on how I did it.

I also grounded the spray gun compressor and car during the spraying.

I will also say without ANY reservations that this was my first paint job
and it was my LAST paint job. Ha. It is defiantly an art.

Best of luck

Jerry Christopherson



-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces+jcmc2006=suddenlink.net at autox.team.net
[mailto:tigers-bounces+jcmc2006=suddenlink.net at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of
dhhall at bellsouth.net
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 8:47 AM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] HVLP sprayers

Does anyone have any thoughts about the various setups to do HVLP spraying?
I have a 60 gallon air compressor, with a plumbed garage, but am concerned
about the risk of water in the line.  I live in North Carolina, (and yes it
is the humidity) but feel it might be better to get the compressor set up
designed for the dry, high volume, low pressure air the HVLP needs.  I would
mainly like to do trim, gas tanks, frame items, etc.  I've looked at Fuji
systems, and know there are other systems available.  I like the portability
and flexibility, and there doesn't seem to be a huge difference in price.
Anyone have any experience or thoughts?  David
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