[Tigers] Ebay - Tiger VIN - B382100395

michael king michael.s.king at gmail.com
Sun May 25 22:07:36 MDT 2008

you reffering to this one?


On 26/05/2008, Gary Crandall <maliburevue at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Norm,
> Please check out Ebay item #27023981197
> Sure looks like an Alger to me, per the front fender strut supports. The
> VIN and spec plate look funky, too. I thought the 67s had no spec plate and
> the VIN plate appears to be missing the chamfered lower left hand corner.
> And then there's the BS about the battery location. It's also missing the
> battery hold downs in the trunk and the spare tire is vertical. A
> restoration to preserve the "original manufacturing welds and geometry"? Oh,
> please!
> Gary
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Michael King

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