[Tigers] Register your Shelby and your dislike for the man!

Chris and Jodie cjcoffel at sonic.net
Thu May 22 10:44:55 MDT 2008

I guess nobody remembers the "Kopec in trunk" signs. Who wants to belong to 
a club that doesn't like the guy who is responsible for the whole thing in 
the first place?

Great how they get a decent website after they get sued. No interest while 
the money flowed smoothly.....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <MWood24020 at aol.com>
To: <mrlau at charter.net>; <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Register your Shelby and your dislike for the man!

> You guys, in my opinion, are missing one very important fact: if it wasn't
> for the work done by SAAC, it is debatable that the Shelby brand would be
> anywhere near as well known, respected or intact. What isn't debatable is 
> that
> there would be much less confirmed history and data on the individual 
> cars...and
> the doors would have remained wide open for the "cloning" of Shelbys 
> (sound
> familiar?). Fact is, Shelby, the man, basically turned his back on the 
> whole
> Ford relationship, and the cars, as soon as the racing was  done, moving 
> on
> to other projects to generate a buck...remember the Shelby Omni?  I'm not
> saying there's anything wrong with that, but the fact is SAAC took up  the 
> task of
> preserving the history and integrity of the Shelby Fords, when no  one 
> else
> was willing to...
> No matter how you look at it, while Shelby owns his name, SAAC has been 
> the
> true steward of the legacy and is owed, big time, by the Shelby family.
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