[Tigers] Over Heating in traffic

Smit, Theo Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Tue May 13 10:26:34 MDT 2008

First off, make sure that you have a thermostat in there, and (if you
have stock gauges) that your "instrument voltage stabilizer" is working
properly and putting out a steady 10 volts. It's the little steel can
under the dash that has 12 volts from the ignition wired to one side and
supplies the temp and fuel gauges from the other connections. The can
must be connected to a good ground for it to work.
A dead giveaway for the stabilizer not working is that the fuel gauge
reads high when you fill up the tank, but the last half of the tank
seems to disappear instantly.

Your symptoms sound similar to what I was getting for gauge readings
when I first got my Tiger, and in my case the problem was that the
stabilizer was toast as well as not being connected properly. And there
was no thermostat.

And remember, if it's not puking, it's not overheating...

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