[Tigers] Some passing thoughts on the Black Tiger restoration

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Mon May 12 12:03:53 MDT 2008

Dear Tigers, and Tom,

An excellent piece, by a knowledgeable Tiger expert, Tom Hall.

Unfortunately, we have just learned, from Rob Martel, that he no longer 
is in the Tiger panels business, due to a issue with someone local to 
him. (Leaving details private)

It is a shame, and bad news for us Tiger enthusiasts.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Tom Hall wrote:
> < ---- snip --->
/ " They looked more like pieces created by Rob Martel, our favorite 
Canadian replacement panel creator. Since the floors and lower fender 
structures were obviously in need of replacement, one has to wonder 
//about the X frame, the front and rear sub frames, the exhaust pass 
thru's etc." /
> <--- snip --->
> Tom Hall
> ModTiger Engineering LLC
> www.tigerengineering.net

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