[Tigers] Mark I. Trim question

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Sun May 11 12:32:01 MDT 2008


My Mk I Tiger has a pebble grain covering over the rear vertical panel, 
with appropriate openings for the opening latch pull. There is no 
padding, the material is on a panel, and no chromed trim,  The cover is 
pop-riveted on.

The side panels are covered in the same manner, with a chromed top 
edges.  The lower covering, on the portion over the wheel wells, are 
covered in the same material, but are somewhat padded with no riveted 
rigid panel.

The rear "non-seat" is covered with the same type material, but 
"paneled" with heat seams, no rigid inside, and no rivets.

Hope that helps.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Steinman, Bill wrote:
> Wow, I'm full of questions today.  I've got a Mk 1, so it has the three hinged metal panels that cover the top.   The large hinged panel has padding on it on the veritcal surface.    The side hinged panels, however, are just painted body color.  I was looking a some photos of Alpines today, and one photo seems to show that those side hinged panels had trim below the chrome trim.    I'd love to hear advice from other Mk 1 owners. Thanks!! 
> B.   

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