[Tigers] 1967 Tiger on ebay

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Fri May 9 13:14:23 MDT 2008


Good point on buyer's view.  However, looking at the TV car auctions, 
the price that "Resto-Mods" of non-original replicars are selling for, 
the Tiger ought to be more.  On the other hand, there do not appear to 
be many foreign cars, or real sports cars at those auctions.  Maybe 
today's set of collector's are too enthralled with the cars they saw as 
youths, and sports cars were not amongst them.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

CoolVT at aol.com wrote:
> I agree that if the seller looks at what it might have cost to  restore this 
> car the $55,000 asking price isn't out of line.  The problem  is a typical 
> buyer doesn't care what it cost to restore.  Buyers are  mostly concerned with 
> "is this car worth $55,000 on the open market?"  If  the car had cost $100,000 
> to restore, should a buyer pay $110,000?     Which probably reiterates that 
> point that has been made before, it's pretty  tough to recover the cost of 
> restoration when it's time to  sell. 
>  I have a feeling that it could go for $45,000+ to  someone new to the Tiger 
> market.
> M

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