[Tigers] Racing Driver Wannabees

drmayf drmayf at mayfco.com
Fri Mar 28 19:21:35 MST 2008

Well, shoot, if you want to drool and look at expensive stuff... try a 
SFI /20 fire suit made from carbon x (mine is nomex), a pair of funny 
car boots, gloves and undies. Then added helmet sock, collar.  My suit 
was in the $1800 dollar range from Stroud Safety, all the other junk is 
likewise expensive. Helmet was $400 plus to meet SA 2005 standards and 
I'll have to buy a new one in a couple of years. Now add fire bottles, 
about a $1000 total there, and of course 5 point or better 7pt 
harness..  Now put it all on and go out to Bonneville in August. Man you 
cna pretend a lot there, lol... while you are melting... And just this 
year they added later head restraints to the equation... Those are 
custom made also using a special new foam... What a hoot... They are 
talking about making HANS a requirement but so far if you use a fore and 
aft system it has to be part of an engineered unit. Oh, I can add the 
helmet restraints like the HANS myselt though and lots of people have 
done that. But you wann expensive, buy a nascar seat for your racer and 
then the hans is about a grand also.

yup, lots of drooling even from me..

Steve Laifman wrote:

>Just got this great brochure in the mail from *SafeRacer*.  It has all 
>the stuff you dream about, if your not actually a competitive racer.  
>Just buy the outfits and accessories you want, and walk around your 
>local malls.  No one will doubt.
>They also have a website.  Looking is free, but don't drool on your 
>keyboard. ;-)

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