[Tigers] !964 Le Mans Tiger Slot Car

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Fri Mar 28 16:24:23 MST 2008


As you seem to be pointing out, TigersUnited.com 
<cid:part1.07080005.06050601 at SoCal.rr.com>
  is an independent source that draws on all clubs and individuals to 
share information.

At one time we actually had a self help message board.  Due to 
complications of site maintenance, it became to unwieldy to manage.

We could add one again, IF our volunteer editors wanted to create and 
maintain it. (hint, hint) ;-)

Best Wishes,


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Arden Bedell wrote:
> It sure would be cool if there were some independent (tigersunited.com) 
> website that's not associated with a single club (tigersunited.com) that 
> could host a for-sale/wanted forum (tigersunited.com), and if everyone 
> including ALL the clubs' members would use it to list stuff. I understand 
> that some of the clubs have a heavy investment in reproduction parts, and it 
> makes sense for them to hold those items close but for the individuals like 
> me who can't afford to belong to every club it would be great if we could 
> get away from ePay (tigersunited.com). Just a thought. 
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