[Tigers] !964 Le Mans Tiger Slot Car

Smit, Theo Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Fri Mar 28 12:45:41 MST 2008

For some reason I can't help but feeling that maybe you'd want
TigersUnited.com to host such a service? Weird...

Anyway... between the way that TU.com is currently being hosted (on the
good graces of John Orzechowski) and the amount of time and effort that
the admins have available to spend on it (not much) it's not really
practical to add a for-sale forum to TU.com. I've previously
administered a reasonably high-traffic PHPbb forum and it quickly turns
into a thing where you spend an hour or more every single day to keep on
top of things.

Tigers East/Alpines East has a for-sale forum on their website:

If you get a lot of benefit from this forum alone (as well as the
various discussion threads) then you might decide it's worth being a
member of TEAE as well as your current club.


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