[Tigers] uh-oh

Robert J. Wanty rjw at wengco.com
Thu Mar 27 04:15:52 MST 2008

I checked my dash and have a Lucas 30/30

-----Original Message-----
From: Kirk Smith [mailto:twotigers at verizon.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 5:06 PM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] uh-oh

Hi Norm!  So...I wonder if anybody else has a dash full of Jaeger instruments
other than me?  CAT sells the Jaeger 30/30 ammeter, as well as the Jaeger
50/50 ammeter (for alternator cars).  It's a good thing the United is almost
here.  I'll be the one checking out everybody's dash board!  See you there:)

You are subscribed as rjw at wengco.com

Tigers at autox.team.net


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