[Tigers] Master cyl

Sandy Ganz sganz at pacbell.net
Wed Mar 26 20:10:58 MST 2008

No email support from CNC, but I'll give them a call tomorrow. A bracket would be easy to make after thinking about it. And it does look sleeved, so might be no problem. I have spoke with them before and they were pretty friendly so will hopefully get a chance tomorrow to find out. The easiest would be the one with the bracked but I'll guess it is too long to fit. I'll find out shortly as I have it on my mustang and will get the tape out in a few. It is also a lot wider...


----- Original Message ----
From: Theo Smit <tsmit at shaw.ca>
To: Buck Trippel <BuckTrippel at Verizon.net>
Cc: Sandy Ganz <sganz at pacbell.net>; Curt Bowland <cbowland at msn.com>; Tiger Digest <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 8:10:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Master cyl

This looks like it might save me a lot of machine work... It may be 
possible to mix up the bore sizes if they use sleeve inserts with 
different ID, which would allow you to use different cylinder sizes 
front and rear.
Time for some emails to the vendor.

Buck Trippel wrote:
> Sandy,
> <snip>
> For racing applications we've ended up with a 5/8" front cylinder & a 7/8" 
> rear.
> Buck Trippel
> <snip>
>> http://www.cncbrakes.com/mc.asp?grp=mc&subgrp=dcsb&series=717
>> http://www.cncbrakes.com/mc.asp?grp=mc&subgrp=dcsb&series=718
>> Looks like a balance bar is already worked into the package the way they 
>> set it up, or easily done.
>> Sandy 

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