[Tigers] Top Gear - BBC A

Cullen McCann cmccann at lwpb.com
Mon Mar 24 11:50:11 MST 2008

I'll third(?)the comments...Great show. I didn't have access to the show
until I upgraded my satellite package recently, but I had been watching
them on the internet and at friend's houses for years.

Sometimes they do episodes that aren't all that interesting to me, it
will be about minivans and cross country driving and stuff, but most of
them are truly outstanding. I like to go on Youtube and watch top gear
clips. Just type in Top Gear or "Jeremy Clarkson", the humorous British
narrator of the show, and you will get a whole lot of great scenes of
the show. I highly recommend, the "Arial Atom" (spell check) and
shooting cars", among others.

B382001452 LROFE

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