[Tigers] Subaru Master Cyl.

Owain Lloyd owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 15:39:33 MST 2008

anyone got a part number for this or a place to get one online?  its
on my list of things to get too.
also, is anyone running this with rear disc brakes and no booster?  is
there enough travel?

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:06 PM, Joe Parlanti <parlanti at comcast.net> wrote:
> Stu,
>  This is the same master cylinder that I'm using and it works very well.
>  I don't run a booster and pedal travel and effort are fine. If I recall
>  the only modification that I had to do was to enlarge the large hole in
>  the aluminum spacer slightly.
>  Hope this helps,
>  Joe Parlanti
>  B382000026
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: tigers-bounces+parlanti=comcast.net at autox.team.net
>  [mailto:tigers-bounces+parlanti=comcast.net at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of
>  Brent Edinger
>  Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 3:49 PM
>  To: tigers at autox.team.net
>  Subject: [Tigers] Subaru Master Cyl.
>   Stu, here as the number for the Nissan dual master
>  http://www.napaonline.com/MasterPages/NOLMaster.aspx?PageId=470&LineCode
>  =UP&P
>  artNumber=39279&Description=Brake+Master+Cylinder+-+New
>  I bought one on Ebay for $50. The stock Tiger master is 7/8 bore, this
>  one is
>  13/16 which
>  should reduce pedal effort but increase travel somewhat. I ran a 13/16
>  on my
>  race car and
>  it worked good, but during racing you utilize the adrenaline brake
>  booster.
>  Haven't installed it yet on the Tiger.
>              Brent
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