[Tigers] Engine rebuild

Patrick Helfer patrick at patmania.ch
Fri Mar 14 03:59:37 MST 2008

Hi toni


this is the website you where looking for.

What does the list think about this engine?

-----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: tigers-bounces+patrick=patmania.ch at autox.team.net
[mailto:tigers-bounces+patrick=patmania.ch at autox.team.net] Im Auftrag von
Tony Somebody
Gesendet: Freitag, 25. Januar 2008 01:34
An: un-cole-a at juno.com; tigers at autox.team.net
Betreff: Re: [Tigers] Engine rebuild

List- a couple year back, Im guessing as time flys,
one of our members bought a stroker engine from a shop
in the south, one of the arolins I think. If memory
serves the cost was about 5k but less than 6k. It mad
about 400hP and Im thinking the shop also built nascar
engines. The website showed their shop, the engine
building rocess and had a ton of info. I promised
myself I would one day have the same place build the
same engine for me. One of these  days hasnt arrived
yet BUT Im still hoping. Meanwhile I had the website
saved in my favorites and the pc crashed and my
microsoft engineer nephew who lives 500 mils away has
had the puter long enough to rebuild several BUT he is
yong and busy and Im sure Ucle Tony will one day get
his puter, meanwhile I continue to use my daughters
laptop BUT at the same time I ant even guess the
engine shop and now we have another member receiving
high prices to rebuild a 26-- hey, he might prefer the
260, which I can understand BUt if the member of whom
Im talking about would be kind enough to repost that
website, then maybe two of us would be happier. Thanks
ahead of time. TonytheTiger

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