[Tigers] Show Bar

Tony Somebody achd73 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 13 15:44:37 MST 2008

I'm not sure about the terms (show bar vs. roll bar)
or what rules have to be followed. I'm thinking most
readers and contributors are out west and most have
never seen Tiger Toms Tiger.Ive tried to get him to
write a book as the car has most every functional item
a Mk7 Lincoln has, including self leveling air ride. I
know there are purist who would never consider the
things Tom has engineered but I doubt there is much he
cant return to stock, if anything. Now his car has a
roll bar, so a show bar might not work in the manner
Tom used. But, because the hard top and soft top are
not the same as far as clearance, so either top can be
used and the roll bar not interfere, so to solve the
problem Toms roll bar is spring loaded. I'm not sure
how he did it as it stays where he pushes it, up or
down and of course its not like there is a foot of
difference in where the top of the roll bar needs to
be for which ever top he has up/on.His RB is for roll
over protection and if needed would work-- would it
work as a show bar??? See the rule book I guess. Tom
is one of the founders of TE/AE and at one time
perhaps had more tiger knowledge than a large group of
owners, he is very friendly and will help anyone with
any problem, so if a spring loaded RB, that stays in
place( you wouldn't know if he didn't show you) will
solve the "show bar" problem, I would give Tiger Tom a
call. He will be glad to help and if you want cruise
control, remote mirrors, electric windows,a Reese
hitch that maintain the car at the same elevation,
even while towing a show Tiger, not to mention air
conditioning, electric antennae and those are just the
ones I remember, I'm sure he would help you with the
parts needed for those improvements as well and how to
install an auto tranny and what gear is needed for the
rear end- I wish he would write a book- might never
sell for what a BON does BUT it would be a great read.
regards, TonytheTiger

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