[Tigers] 9473127 LROFE

Chris Thompson chris at cthompson.net
Mon Mar 10 19:37:47 MST 2008

I'm looking tomorrow at a $350,000 yacht that last week spent just 24 
hours on the wrong surface of the Caribbean sea that I can probably buy 
for under $10K. And it looks a helluva a lot better than this Tiger.

And just think - without folks parting out Tigers others wouldn't get 
back on the road.  Lotsa parts still made of unobtanium.  If we try to 
save every last Tiger, where will parts come from?  Does it make sense 
to save every one?


Thomas Witt wrote:
>  I think it all depends on what you have $$$, and what your ability is 
> (or aspires to be), and your devotion to the project.
>    To me the secret with this particular car is not to make it 
> pristine. It's to keep it a Tiger.  There is some hearty soul out 
> there who could patch this up with POR-15, fiberglass and homemade 
> metal patches ( I made a lot of mine from computer case covers). His 
> pride will glow when he over hears, "you should have seem what it 
> looked like before."  Though it will never compete in a concourse, he 
> is likely to draw more attention to his "it's still on the road" Tiger 
> than a score of 'nice enough, but nothing special' Tigers it is parked 
> next to. And, the (knowing, but not disclosing) Alger owner will 
> simply turns his head in shame knowing he has three time the cost in 
> his..., a.., Sunbeam.
>  OK, I don't know who you are lurking out there, but I just gave you 
> the inspiration and motivation - get yourself to work and make it 
> happen. ;-)
> Tom
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