[Tigers] 9473127 LROFE

Cullen McCann cmccann at lwpb.com
Sun Mar 9 11:43:38 MST 2008

yes, countries in Europe like Germany, I think, where they were sold but would
still be left hand drive, unlike the united kingdom....

Additionally, what I understand is that the car would have been most likely
privately imported in to the united states at some point. Im sure it could
have been sold over a classified or on ebay.uk...or something and then shipped
over at a hefty fee. I also understand that during times of war or if a
serviceman is stationed overseas, he might buy the car and then decides to
bring it back with him, that this has been done a few times over the years. I
have an LROFE car, and according to a conversation I had with NCM when I first
aquired the car, it was not on the registry, and if I understood him correctly
at the time, there are only about 20 on the registry. I dont know if this
makes them any more valuable but they are a bit rare. I always thought that an
HROFE car would be cool...a right hand drive standard spec...Ive never seen
one in person, but I have seen them on the net and such. another point of
interest regarding "O" spec cars...They were not badged as Tigers, but rather
Alpine 260's...so if you see an LRO..car with Tiger scripts, someone has put
them on instead of the correct Alpine script, among a few other superficial
slight differences...mainly trim and lenses and such. Here is a cool article
on a car like that.


In that article at the time there were only 7 mentioned in Europe....this is
an excerpt from that article:
"STOC is aware of 6 Alpine 260's in France and one in Sweden. Whilst STOC has
little knowledge of MKII Alpine V8s within the club register, it is known
that a few were sold in Europe bearing the Alpine script."

An HRO or LRO mk II would be just about the coolest tiger I could think of,
simply because of its uniqueness...

Cullen McCann
B382001452 LROFE

-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces+cmccann=lwpb.com at autox.team.net on behalf of A. C. Tynes
Sent: Sat 3/8/2008 11:21 PM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] 9473127 LROFE

The "O" means "standard specifications" as opposed to the "X" which meant
non-standard (North American) specifications. The car would have been
originally delivered to one of the European countries where they drive on
the left side of the road.

A. C. Tynes
New Orleans

> -----Original Message-----

> What's the deal with the LRO instead of the LRX. Saw a few with this
> designation in my tbon, but not sure why...

> Scott Hutchinson
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