[Tigers] Offy shocks

Rollright at aol.com Rollright at aol.com
Sun Mar 2 10:47:21 MST 2008

There are stock shocks, Spax, Koni, and now Offys. Can someone briefly  state 
the advantages and differences between the aftermarket three?
Jim  Armstrong
MK 1A 382002083
Rollright at aol.com

In a message dated 3/2/2008 12:22:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
tigers-request at autox.team.net writes:

Just  got home from the CAT board meeting and it looks like CAT will be making
an  order from Edelbrock for Tiger shocks.  More info from Buck  later.


Jim  Armstrong
MK 1A  382002083
Rollright at aol.com

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