[Tigers] Tiger United Autocross

Sandy Ganz sganz at pacbell.net
Sun Jun 29 22:03:09 MDT 2008

The link is good now. A glitch in the system ;-)

----- Original
Message ----
From: Sandy Ganz <sganz at pacbell.net>
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:09:11 PM
Subject: [Tigers] Tiger United

Just posted a video which should be active sometime this evening.
It is a short video of Jere Teppen's and Driving his tiger on the autocross. I
mounted a camera on his cowl (sorry for the crooked angle). It has him driving
a couple of runs through the cones. I have some of his wife driving the car
too (But I can't remember her name now...) and I'll post those after I get a
Nice crowd of people at the event, and some people that traveled
really far with the cars to show up for the event.
Here is the link, hopefully
it will be active soon.
P.S. Jere - Thanks
for the ride and thanks for letting me stick a camera on the car!
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