[Tigers] Copper fuel line

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Fri Jun 27 16:23:11 MDT 2008


While copper can be work hardened, steel is even more easily work 
hardened.  Then the material at the bend location is sufficiently 
hardened, it will break.

Best solution is to keep all lines supported, and free from bending.  
The tank-line-body-fuel pump run should be supported by rigid clamps to 
the chassis.  The fuel pump to engine line should be a flexible s.s. hose.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

> The problem with copper is it slowly work hardens from vibration and
> eventually
> will crack at the engine connection. I used steel brake line inside an
> insulation sleeve
> to help shield it from heat.
>              Brent   B9471023

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