[Tigers] Oil pressure sender

Scott Rekate srekate at pacifier.com
Thu Jun 26 19:04:52 MDT 2008

In replacing all the firewall grommets I had to pull the steering  
column, speedo cable, and all lines penetrating including the oil  
pressure line which I think you are making reference to. If you don't  
object to removing the drivers seat, odd contortions, inverting your  
body and placing a flashlight in your mouth  , one can find a  
position to view said nut on the oil gauge.  With one small (3")  
crescent wrench and weaving your arm over the steering column and  
through the jungle of wiring (my wiring anyway) you can actually get  
enough purchase on the nut to loosen, then unscrew with fingers.

No one said working on Tigers was easy!


>>> <CoolVT at aol.com> 6/26/2008 1:15 PM >>>
Has anyone been able to replace the oil pressure sender without   
removing the
dash?  With the  steering column bracing in the way I  can't get a flare
wrench ( or any wrench) on the securing nut.  Reaching  the gauge  
doesn't seem any easier. So, I can't pull the pressure  gauge out.   I
considered removing either the speedometer or tach.  hoping that I  
might be
able to
reach things from the front of the dash, but that  route doesn't seem  
promising either.  Help!!!!!

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