[Tigers] Hypothetical question???

Smit, Theo Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Wed Jun 25 08:46:21 MDT 2008

That would depend on the objective of the restoration. If you're going
(back) to stock or showroom condition, then the money required pretty
much has an upper limit where you've replaced all the parts with the
best available reproductions or NOS parts, and you've cleaned,
disassembled, and refurbished everything else. The bodywork required can
be a significant cost adder but that depends on the individual car. A
cost-no-object restoration would probably involve things like opening up
the rocker panel joints so you can verify that the integrity of the
internal panels is good, and then welding things back together using the
factory process. Some restorers will do that as part of their regular
procedure... It's why some body shops charge more money than others, and
it depends on how much they know about Sunbeams and the Tiger in
particular. Going to a Tiger restoration specialist is money well spent,
since they will know what is generally required and the particular
points to pay attention to, without burning time and effort on
unnecessary things.

As Tom Hall remarked a couple of weeks ago (regarding an eBay car) the
Tiger is getting enough attention, that the non-specialist shops are
restoring some, and in the process they may not address some of the
basic chassis issues that we know about. Even if the restoration was
"back to stock" I'd make sure that all the known weak points were
inspected and repaired and/or reinforced, in the interest of safety.

If you're doing a Tiger with modifications then the sky is the limit. I
think that several of the List members have pushed the envelope pretty
far on the powertrain and suspension development front, and most of
their components are either commercially available or can be fabricated
to order, so you just have to decide how unlimited the budget is... A
lot of your restoration budget should go towards educating yourself. At
least so you can do proper maintenance on all the new goodies.


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