[Tigers] Water

Peter MacDonald macdonald49 at shaw.ca
Sat Jun 21 18:17:19 MDT 2008

As a Chem teacher for many years it was difficult to get the students  
to realize that water is not always pH7.0. Wikip was correct, the  
high solubility of CO2 is the culprit. The large jug of deionized  
water that sat on my counter was usually about pH5.6. All solutions  
made with this(which is what we always used) then had to be adjusted  
a like amount for expected pH and type of material added.

On a related note, the water supply here in Vancouver is three large  
reservoirs up in the local mountains. Currently, there is a new  
purification system being constructed which will utilize UV and ozone  
instead of Chlorine compounds. They will also be adjusting the output  
pH to about 8 which should make things a lot easier on the copper  
pipes and solder in the joints and other materials that come into  
contact within the water systems.


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