[Tigers] Cooling your Tiger

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Sat Jun 21 13:03:05 MDT 2008

Jeff, and Tigers,

Pretty neat build, but a bit severe.  If you would like MOST of the air 
handling capabilities, without altering the appearance, check out 
TigersUnited.com "Cool It, Buddy 


Although the custom "Modine" radiator may not be available, the core 
specs are given, and a good radiator manufacturer may be able to make 
one to the listed specs, that also fits your stock tanks.

This may be particularly valuable if you are considering adding air 


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Jeffrey Nichols wrote:
> Check out Ebay Item number: 180256255791 <http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___1966-SUNBEAM-TIGER-MK-1A-Roadster-FULL-RESTORATION_W0QQitemZ180256255791QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item180256255791&>.  Its a 66 Tiger Mk 1A with front end
> "customizing" reminiscent of the Targa Florio Tiger with chrome bumperettes.
> Not my cup of tea and in my view, pretty ugly.  I guess the owner wanted to
> maximize air flow to his radiator at the expense of a good looking car.
>  Jeff

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