[Tigers] Nano cars / Gas Mileage

Steve Sage fastsage at cox.net
Thu Jun 19 23:49:51 MDT 2008

Of course you are right, and I have been aptly chastened (That's a big 
word I learned when I read a book once). Use it or lose it, so it's 
wheelie time for me!

Steve Sage

William Lau wrote:
> No it is not good if you don't lift the front end off the ground.  It is
> your responsibility to use all of your horsepower lest someone claim it is
> not necessary to have. -- Bill --
> Hey, I have a 1966 Sunbeam Tiger and when I'm cruising at a slow 90 MPH 
> in 5th with the A/C on I get around 17 miles to the gallon. Plus, I get 
> about 11-13 miles per gallon in city driving when I don't lift the front 
> end off the ground. Is that good?
> Steve Sage

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