[Tigers] Nano cars

Howard gentry zymmer4 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 19 12:29:26 MDT 2008

     It seems that there is another thinking person on the planet that is not
standing in line at the "do it our way" counter.
     I lived in England in the early 1970s'. I owned several cars..one of
which was a 1957 Ford Anglia and another was a 1963 Ford Cortina.
The Anglia got 52 MPG on an imperial gallon..the Cortina got 40 on the same
gallon..The Anglia was a 1175 cc engine, 4 door..the Cortina was a 1500cc 4
door..both ran like the wind, did not ever break down and were easy to
insure.  I knew friends who had Simcas and the like that got better milage
than my Fords..The point is..I think we are getting the s..t shoveled right in
our face by Oil..that may control Auto Manufacturers and all else.  The "green
cars" are not going to solve anything long term except pile cash into the
makers of these rediculous "bandaids".
     If England could do economical cars in the past, Why the hell can't the
worlds' auto makers do it now??
     Just a question I have been chewing on.

The Blues is the only music Original to the United States of America.

--- On Thu, 6/19/08, Thomas Witt <atwittsend at verizon.net> wrote:

From: Thomas Witt <atwittsend at verizon.net>
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Nano cars
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008, 2:14 PM

I'm a little confused about the mileage regarding Nano cars and even the
Prius.  The "real world" best mileage they get seems to be about mid
- 50
MPG.  I have a 1991 Mazda 323, 5 speed with 150,000 miles on it.  If I drive
55-60 MPH (I try and stay at 55) I have gotten 45 MPG on a number of trips.
I'm not grasping all the "technological advancements" (and weight
with the Nano cars) in the 17 year gap between the time these cars were
built.  For my money (and in this case the Mazda was free) a decent, older
car, driven in a practical way makes more economical sense.

  After all, though "mileage" may be the (sub) topic, in the end
it's what
it cost that matters.  It kind of reminds me of that old comment that you
were, "better off buying 4 year old Toyota than a new Yugo."  It
might be
your better of buying an older car with good mileage and driving it properly
than buying a Nano or a Preius. Well..., at least if your a penny pinching
tight wad like myself.  :-)
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