[Tigers] Nano Cars

Rense, Mark (GE Indust, ConsInd) mark.rense at ge.com
Wed Jun 18 12:29:15 MDT 2008

Where do I start? The Isetta's top speed was about 55 mph, so it was not
suitable for American highways, plus I think the car would be a handful
at any speed above that. It was dog slow off the line, so getting run
over by an Escalade when the light turns green is a real possibility.
The car was only attractive when parked, I eventually dreaded having to
go somewhere in it, as I had to plan out a surface street route and then
be on constant watch for errant SUVs. I sold it without hesitation when
offered a reasonable sum.

There are conversions to use a modern Honda engine out of a 250 scooter,
that doubles the hp but that IMHO is still a long way off being
practical. A company called Tri-Tech used to make kits and conversions
for different motorcycle engines. I saw a link to a Suzuki
Hayabusa-powered Isetta on YouTube, I cannot imaging 185 hp in such an
unstable platform. You mentioned converting to an Oilhead Type 259 boxer
engine, I do not think the old 4-speed from an R56 will "bolt on", you
would be better served to buy a complete R1100 drive train and adapt
that to the Isetta's rear end. Go for a motor out of a R or GS model,
they are lower hp but better midrange power and torque. Also, I think
you will also need to apply for a pilot's license before it's all over.

Good luck with that!


-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces+mark.rense=ge.com at autox.team.net
[mailto:tigers-bounces+mark.rense=ge.com at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of
Cullen McCann
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:41 PM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Nano Cars

".....I owned a BMW Isetta 300 for a few years, it was powered by a 300
cc version of the R26 single-cylinder motorcycle engine. It was a joke
to drive anywhere, 13 hp pushing 1100 lbs. is not entertaining in the
least bit (0 to 30 in about 25 seconds)......"

Mark, interesting you brought up this car....I have a couple bmw issetta
600's, and was thinking I could get some serious mpg with one....but it
sounds like you have already tried that and it didn't work out? I was
going to pursue a late model bike motor like a efi R12....1200cc opposed
twin which as I understand it will actually boltup to the
transaxle....with some minor tweeking...it seems that most 11 and 1200cc
bikes are around 120 horse..I was hoping that would work good in that
micro car...that is as long as I don't get plowed by a semi-truck...or
even a pickup....or a kid on a bike.

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