[Tigers] Doane's Horses

Drmoonstone at aol.com Drmoonstone at aol.com
Tue Jun 17 23:29:37 MDT 2008

In a message dated 6/16/08 5:54:56 PM, jxnichols at sbcglobal.net writes:

> "So are you getting 381 HP from your 260? I doubt it!"

Yes, got it on the dyno! Feel free to call me a liar anytime. No lie, but I 
did bait everyone a little. Motor has a large arm, is bigger than 260, runs 
very high   compression and has custom made alu heads from Ford's F1 and Indy 
motor program, full roller valve train. Mr. Begosian was a chief developer on the 
J and K code motors. There really is nothing 260 about it anymore. The big 
gamble is can I cool it. Joe wants to put a spray bar in front of the radiator. 
Also drivability issues are still a concern!

So why do you feel so threatened by this?

A similar combination of components used on a 302 has produced 475hp and is 
currently in a really fast Mustang running in the Central Valley.


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