[Tigers] Paint and engine radiation cooling

Lionel Bohrer lcbohrer at comcast.net
Tue Jun 17 21:31:21 MDT 2008

It's critical to understand here that we're talking infrared radiation and
absorption here, not visible wavelengths.  In the visible waveband, black does
absorb better (try touching a white car versus black in direct sunlight), and
radiate better as well, I think.  The coeficients of radiation and absorption
are usually very similar.  At IR wavelengths, the transmission and absorption
are more related to texture of the surface.  I think a flat white will radiate
just as well as black.  I think you're free to select engine and engine
compartment colors on convenience and cosmetic factors and essentially have
the same energy transfer.  That said, I've had the opinion that engine paints
may add a layer of insulation to the engine and that may inhibit heat transfer
from the engine interior and thus contribute to a hotter engine.  Based an a
lot of 40 year old conclusions and decisions.  I left the engine compartment
in my white Tiger white and painted the engine silver.  I haven't researched
these subjects recently, but doubt the physical principles have changed.

Bud Bohrer

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