[Tigers] (no subject)

Chris and Jodie cjcoffel at sonic.net
Tue Jun 17 18:19:40 MDT 2008

It's already happening. A friend runs an auto dealership which includes both 
Honda and GMC. They were given wholesale, minus 8000 dollars for SUVs and 
then stopped taking them period. they are also paying up to 2000 dollars 
premium for small cars. Jack Wagoneer is right. Of course, too little to 
late, I think.

My old man said people wouldn't buy GM cars for years in LA because of what 
they and Firestone did. I just found out from and old local guy that they 
did the same in the bay area (San Fran).

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William Lau" <mrlau at charter.net>
To: <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:15 PM
Subject: [Tigers] (no subject)

>I still believe that the immediate solution is the downsizing of
> cars....Tata Nano....Worked in Europe after the war. And of course there 
> is
> the Heinkel, Messerschmitt, Reliant...
> Well, if that's the answer we are doing our part with our 2,500 lb.  cars.
> Remove one gas tank and lose 50lb. Aluminum heads..50lb. Aluminum intake 
> 20
> lb.
> Headers replacing cast iron ex. manifolds..10 lb.  Now we're down to 
> 2,370
> lb.  What else can go?
> M
> I guess ice cream and chocolate. -- Bill --
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