[Tigers] Control of Energy

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Tue Jun 17 16:06:10 MDT 2008


What else can go?  The availability of gasoline.  But don't fret too 
much, the oil industry has more clout than any others, and they also own 
the major "gasohol", and other energy sources they can use to control 
"ENERGY".  Remember the old days when "What's Good for GM is Good for 
the Country" resulted in them buying all the electric trolleys, and 
buses in L.A. and replacing them with Gasoline vehicles?

"Cheer up, things could get worse!"  So I did, and sure enough, things 
did get worse."

Hey, I remember when the "AUDI" was a small, three cylinder, two cycle, 
economy car. And ugly, as well.  Then again there was the Messerschmidt !


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

CoolVT at aol.com wrote:
> I still believe that the immediate solution is the downsizing of  
> cars....Tata Nano....Worked in Europe after the war. And of course there is  
> the Heinkel, Messerschmitt, Reliant...
> Well, if that's the answer we are doing our part with our 2,500 lb.  cars. 
> Remove one gas tank and lose 50lb. Aluminum heads..50lb. Aluminum intake  20 lb. 
> Headers replacing cast iron ex. manifolds..10 lb.  Now we're down to  2,370 
> lb.  What else can go?
> M

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