[Tigers] Aluminum Heads--a downside?

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Mon Jun 16 18:51:31 MDT 2008


Now this I have done, with my 1952 MG-TD, in 1952.  There was a shop in 
Hollywood called "Racer Ray Brown", back then, who not only made seat 
belts for cars, but did head work as well.  He eliminated the cast post 
between intake pairs, and had the head bolt in those two places 
accessible through the port by removing the intake manifold.  He 
installed larger Mk II valves, polished the intake ports, matched the 
intake and exhaust manifolds to the ports, and "tuned" the engine.  The 
only way to quantify the results is to go from the middle of the pack to 
best time of day at the drag strips.  I believe that was 72.4 MPH.  Near 
top speed! :-)

And they weren't even alloy.

Yes, we did have chassis dyno's in the day, but I was a student and the 
costs were just too much ($50). The new car was only $1350, new.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

michael king wrote:
> Sorry to go slightly sideways on this..
> Ok.. I am not going to polish my alloy heads and never intended to... but is
> it a bad thing to polish the intake, this is something i was thinking about
> doing.'

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