[Tigers] engine ancillaries

Drmoonstone at aol.com Drmoonstone at aol.com
Mon Jun 16 17:26:48 MDT 2008

Then why does alu. produce more HP with the same radiator system...duh, (We 
have several heat dissipating coating that when applied to iron heads also 
allow you to run higher compression with iron heads) because you can run higher 
compression ratios with pump gas because of more efficient heat transfer. 
Nothing magic about alum!
So are you getting 381 HP from your 260? I doubt it! To be exact, with the 
configuration of this engine we can run pump gas and extract 50 +HP per each one 
point of compression. 

If you watch drag boats, tractor pulls and drag racing you can see some of my 
builders motors, some producing 1300Hp per cylinder. Check his references, 
Gurney, Foyt, Shelby, Dan Olson and several dozen more. I'll put our technical 
info at Caps Bright Hot Coatings and 60 years of experience in developing Ford 
high performance up against faulty reasoning anytime.

Want to play? Get your pink slip out?

Don't mean this to sound rude, it's not meant to be any different from the 
tone set in your e-mail.

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