[Tigers] Wine Country Classic

Chris and Jodie cjcoffel at sonic.net
Mon Jun 16 14:45:29 MDT 2008

I haven't looked through my pictures yet. I didn't bring the video camera. 
My friend got some great shots with his professional set up. Here's his 


I went to this event and had the only Tiger. Showed it to Tony in Rohnert 
Park who just bought his neighbors Tiger for 3k.


Went to this event and brought two of my Tigers. Did the parade, and great 
to hear so many people say "Tiger" as you go by. Tony from Cloverdale showed 
up with the Funbeam so we had three Tigers. Great event.


The Funbeam won a trophy last year but not this year. My buddy won first in 
his class. His car drives people nuts. Just look at the pictures and you can 
see why.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "michael king" <michael.s.king at gmail.com>
To: "tigers_United_forum" <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 11:17 PM
Subject: [Tigers] Wine Country Classic

>I was looking through the recent pics/reports on the wine country classic
> meet at the infeon raceway. They had lots of tigers listed, but all but 2
> were DNS or DNF. The Tom Sakai car seeming to be the flag flyer.. however 
> in
> this video go to 2:22 and you will see either practice or the race and the
> ex-SCF Tiger, yellow (ex shelby?) sakai tiger, fraser onester tiger and a
> red tiger with white HT running. I see the HSC Tiger was listed as a DNS 
> and
> does not appear.
> Has anyone got recent photos or reports on this? Why is the Tiger 
> community
> so lazzy in getting pics and videos of the cars racing up on onthe web?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSpqCvHbnxg&feature=related
> -- 
> Regards
> Michael King
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