[Tigers] Subject: Cross-members

Thomas Witt atwittsend at verizon.net
Mon Jun 16 11:40:14 MDT 2008

 There is a significant difference between the two crossmembers. The most 
prominent being the scallop cut at the front and the mounts for the steering 
rack (the Alpine used a steering box). I hope you can balance the fun of 
Summer and the desire to go through the front end.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Rollright at aol.com>
To: <tigers at Autox.Team.Net>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 10:24 AM
Subject: [Tigers] Subject: Cross-members

> Hello,
> Been a little frightened of late as I haven't ever had my cross-member 
> out.
> I want very much to do all I can to do the Fulcrum pin fixes and the like.
> Sandblast the thing, check for cracks, and all.
> But, to do it in season would be, well, using up precious New England 
> warm
> weather drive time.
> Here is the question: can you use an Alpine cross-member, and if different
> from a Tiger, do what mods need be done (and of course have the clear 
> benefit
> of  time)? Seems they must be darned similar.....or what?
> And, are they easy to find? I'd imagine if different from a Tiger, Tiger
> cross-members would be hen's teeth, but maybe Alpine ones aren't.
> Best regards,
> Jim  Armstrong
> Mk 1A 382002083
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