[Tigers] Alloy Heads...

drmayf drmayf at mayfco.com
Mon Jun 16 07:45:08 MDT 2008

With regards to alloyheads for our cars, I asked a good friend, way up 
in Mystic, Conn, what   he thought about them. No his credentials are 
pretty good as you can see  in the edited reply he sen tto me....is it 
of any importance? I dunno..

here is his reply to my question  about the use of alloy heads on daily 
driver moderately hopped up motors.

"Been working seemingly day and night LOL success is vastly over 

The alloy heads are a tough call and it depends on the final goals.
The interesting thing is a good flowing head will allow the use of a 
camshaft with less duration and overlap all good for mileage and 
Being alloy they seem less efficient thermally so not good for mileage 
yet all engines are using alloy heads so probably less important than it 

Iron heads are more prone to cracking or failure under changes in 
temperature. We used to crack them on shut down in the Winston Cup days.

Removing weight is always a plus for mileage and if it is high off the 
ground good to remove it for handling issues, though I doubt if 20 lbs 
makes much of a difference on a passenger car going legal speed limits.

Using the track as a dyno is a very bad idea as it is subjective rather 
than objective. You are a science guy and am sure well aware of all that 
is involved in proper testing and removing opinion from the results.
I am in the middle of doing 2 motorcycles for Bonneville, 2 Nissan GTP 
cars and a Riley Scott ford WSC car.. a Formula Holden, a Cosworth DFV 
for a formula 3000 car  and a bunch of of other nagging small projects.. 
So more than a little busy and the reason for being a little scarce..

Dave owns and runs an Engine Management Service company for high end 
race mosheens. He builds and tunes these cars and bkes as well as doing 
a lot of hand made intake manifold systems for race cars.  When iwant an 
opinion on someting I am doing he alwasy has an opinion, lol. He is a 
good guy for me..


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