[Tigers] BMW Gas (NOT Gasoline)

drmayf drmayf at mayfco.com
Sun Jun 15 15:46:21 MDT 2008

As Steve says...H2 is merely a storage medium. It only gives back
exactly what it takes to produce it. And the heat available is 1/5, if I
remember correctl;y, that of gasoline. So it take a lot of H2 to go
anywhere and the power it makes is way less.  H2 must be stored at very
high pressures in order to get enough volume to go any distance.  There
are two types of fuel cells that use H2. One gets its O2 fromt he
atmosphere and the other is a mix of H2 and O2 called Brown gass (maybe
that is Browns gas).  On the salt this past summer, Ford ran their H2
fueled fuel cell cal using brown gass. two massive tanks wer needed and
the entire front of the car was an ice intercooler to keep the fuel
cells cooled. It did however, make a 207+ pass out the back door at the
5 mile trap.  There are some H2 busses, I think here in the Las Vegas
area. But you have to go to a H2 filling station to get refuled. I
haven't seen one yet...

On eday it may be ok, but not now.

Steve Laifman wrote:

>New L.A.Times article about BMW and Hydrogen Cars.  BMW new "Hydrogen 7" 
>has a hydrogen gas fueled prototypes on the road in SoCal. They are 
>loaned to actors and actresses, sports figures, opera stars and other 
>"A" list celebrities. The other models use "fuel cells" to convert 
>hydrogen to combine with oxygen and generate electricity.
>You would think that the Germans might have learned something from the 
>Hindenburg (1937):
>But here we go again.
>The article described many manufacturer's hydrogen offerings as well.  
>In this article Actress Joely Fisher (daughter of Eddie Fisher and 
>Connie Stevens), gets one. Interestingly enough the car has a full tank 
>range of 130 miles.  Her closest licensed Hydrogen station available is 
>in Oxnard, CA. Some 120 miles R.T. from Beverly Hills (note: she may NOT 
>live there).   In CA, there are only 25 stations statewide. Nationwide 
>there are just 61 stations, including California's. A driver picks up 
>the car from her and drives it to Oxnard for refueling by licensed 
>"attendants", then returns it.
>Lets see, a range of 130 miles means that the owner must have a half 
>tank before sending it for refueling. On arriving at the fueling station 
>it will have it will get a fill.  Upon return it will have a half tank.
>So, net gain is ZERO.
>So, the message is:  Even if the chauffeur is free, and the fuel is 
>free, you are no better off!
>To top it off, while the car may be pollution free, the making of the 
>hydrogen takes more energy than it provides in the car.  And it ain't cheap.
>Anyway, take it to heart.  The Greenies think this is the solution.  Of 
>course the use a bicycle.
>Have a good day, for you fathers everywhere.  It's the only day you get, 
>and YOU have to BBQ!

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