[Tigers] Dan Gurney At Galpin Ford

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Fri Jun 13 11:26:43 MDT 2008


Dan is backing the release of his name branded Mustang, like many other 
specials editions.  Believe it will be shown.

I bought and use this dealership for my 2005 Ford Thunderbird 50th 
Anniversary Model (read re-skinned Jaguar XK), and the Galpin agency is 
very competent.

I would go, but have more than one grandkid's graduation to attend.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Sandy Ganz wrote:
> Fyi if anyone is interested, Dan Gurney will be at Galpin Ford 6-8pm in the
> San Fernando Valley (Calif) doing autographs and someone also mentioned a car
> unveiling but not sure about that.  

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