[Tigers] engine ancillaries

Sandy Ganz sganz at pacbell.net
Thu Jun 12 15:21:16 MDT 2008

I'll bet it makes very little difference in the grand scheme of things if
painted or polished, the cooling system takes the brunt of the BTU's out of
the motor not the radiation from the surface of the heads.

Original Message ----
From: "drmoonstone at aol.com" <drmoonstone at aol.com>
twojohnsons at cox.net; dhhall at bellsouth.net; tigers at autox.team.net
Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:53:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] engine ancillaries
Sorry for the late comment. With aluminum heads, polishing and painting really
negates much of the performance valve of the material. For higher compression
aluminum heads should not be painted or polished. 


From: Alvin Johnson <twojohnsons at cox.net>
dhhall at bellsouth.net; tigers at autox.team.net
Sent: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 6:47 am
Subject: Re: [Tigers] engine ancillaries

Hi Dave,
    Jeez---At least
replace those tired old heads. There are some 
aftermarket iron ones around,
or you can paint the aluminum ones. Aluminum 
heads give power & actually can
run  w/out knocking on 87 octane. They'll 
run cooler, too---a bonus for a
    I run a "baby crower" cam in my Mustang to retain the idle quality
give great torque. But to improve the HPower you need attend to the big
3---Heads, Cam, and Intake (or a power adder).
    Why in the world would you
want to spend all that $$$ and still have a 
car that can't even keep up with
a Toyota?
Al J 
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