[Tigers] engine ancillaries

Alvin Johnson twojohnsons at cox.net
Fri Jun 6 07:47:00 MDT 2008

Hi Dave,
    Jeez---At least replace those tired old heads. There are some 
aftermarket iron ones around, or you can paint the aluminum ones. Aluminum 
heads give power & actually can run  w/out knocking on 87 octane. They'll 
run cooler, too---a bonus for a Tiger.
    I run a "baby crower" cam in my Mustang to retain the idle quality & 
give great torque. But to improve the HPower you need attend to the big 
3---Heads, Cam, and Intake (or a power adder).
    Why in the world would you want to spend all that $$$ and still have a 
car that can't even keep up with a Toyota?
Al J 

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