[Tigers] Engine Woes - Part Two

Shaun Laughy tigerv8 at rogers.com
Tue Jun 3 16:38:08 MDT 2008

Thanks for the information, Jerry.  I actually have an article that
describes how to do this.  The only issue I have with the Duraspark is
in the area of looks, as the wide-cap is very unique in appearance and
much different from stock.  Still, this could be a great and practical
option, so I will keep it in mind.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry [mailto:JCMC2006 at suddenlink.net] 
Sent: June 3, 2008 2:55 PM
To: 'Shaun Laughy'; tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: RE: [Tigers] Engine Woes - Part Two


In order to save you money may I suggest using a Ford Duraspark II
distributor? It has the same type of pickup as the MSD dist. And were
made from the early

70's to somewhere in the 80's and has a vacuum can. The only difference
is you have to have an amplifier with it as they use the Hall Effect
principle. Now all the good things that Ford does the Duraspark II amps
they had weren't very good so another amp that is far better and easy to
obtain is, do I dare say, from the Dodge, Chrysler group! (I guess there
is a distant connection). 
Their amp is apparently very good, it is used by Performance
Distributors (Memphis,TN)in their setups and good for 10,000 RPMS (That
should take care of any and all Tigers). The Standard Ignition part # is
LX-101, Delco's # is C1908. These are the better ones, but
O'Reilly's,AutoZone,PepBoys have them
with a lifetime warranty for less, some around $20.00.   
The May 1988 issue of Tiger Tails has an article by Ted McKinley showing
the wiring diagram how to wire it up, very simple. If you are interested
I will send you a copy of the article. This setup will run just as well
as a high priced MSD's or Mallory's for a lot less money IF you get the
curve set properly, The fact is the curve should be exactly the same.
The fact is your Mallory dist. should be just fine. I just cruved a
Mallory dist. The other day on a Mustang, different than the Ford, but
the same principles apply. Perhaps a call to Mallory to see if there is
a way to test the module to make sure it is operating perfectly would

On another note do you think you had enough bouncing around that may
have caused any debris in the carb. to get into the mains or other
Guess I've rambled enough!

Jerry Christopherson

9473187 (I've had this setup for 8 years now with no problems) 

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