[Tigers] Panhard Rod

Bill Waite fordlandia at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jun 1 10:00:51 MDT 2008


FYI, its pretty "normal" for Mark II's, also... just that they are mounted (and break off) on the left (drivers) side as they changed the location on the Mark II's.  The previous owner of my car had also tried welding the original bracket back on... but by the time I purchased the car it had already broken again and the Panhard rod and bracket were in the trunk of the car.

I ran my Mark II for quite a while without the Panhard rod, and experienced no apparent issues.  But, I recently pulled the rear end out to have the gear changed, and decided to tackle the Panhard issue before I put the rear end back in.

I purchased one of Tom Hall's (Tiger Engineering) Panhard rod repair kits.  Can be seen at this link:


His site has a .pdf file with instructions.  The kit fit very well, I just completed the installation.  I have not yet put the rear end back in the car (decided to address some exhaust "cosmetics" issues first).  But the bracket and "frame" reinforcing parts that Tom engineered are really heavy duty & I'm confident it is permanently repaired.

No affiliation, just a happy customer.

Bill Waite
Grand Rapids, MI 

Wally Menke <walmenke at bigpond.net.au> wrote: Looks like my Panhard rod bracket mounted on the chassis has cracked and
almost come off, which I believe is normal for the Mk1 cars. Previous owner
had welded it back on as well. Any problems running the car without this? Is
there a better solution?


Wally Menke

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